Operatore umanitario dell’agenzia belga ucciso durante uno sciopero israeliano notturno


di Tentansub


  1. Tentansub on

    Abdallah Nabhan (33) and his seven-year-old son Jamal were killed last night, following a bombardment by the Israeli army in the eastern part of the city of Rafah”. Abdallah worked for the Belgian aid agency Enabel. Belgium’s development minister Caroline Gennez released [a statement](https://gennez.belgium.be/en/employee-belgian-development-agency-enabel-gaza-killed-bombardment) following the killing of the aid worker, mentioning :

    >”The indiscriminate bombing of civilian infrastructure and innocent civilians goes against every international and humanitarian law and the rules of war”

    Rafah was declared a so called “safe zone” by Israel in the first weeks of the war. There are now more than one million refugees in Rafah from other parts of Gaza. According to Israeli media, an offensive by the IDF on Rafah [is looming](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-april-25-2024/).

    Since October 7th, [Israel has killed](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-aid-workers-killed-2d08786a9839dfc402632c7ca745acca#:~:text=More%20than%20200%20aid%20workers,a%20hard%20community%20to%20define.) more than 200 aid workers, including at least 30 killed in the line of duty, according to the UN. This includes the 7 World Central Kitchen aid workers killed earlier in April 2024.

  2. Still_Rate5776 on

    echt super slim om uw kind mee te nemen naar een actief oorlogsgebied.

    Tis goed dat hij dood is, want anders zouden ze hem moeten aanklagen voor kindermishandeling met de dood tot gevolg.

  3. tesrepurwash121810 on

    Israel didn’t declare yet that the 7 year old child was a terrorist? This terrorist and murderous state is disgusting. Belgium needs to break any relations with them and boycott them until they stop committing this genocide against the people living or helping the population in Palestine.

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