come renderlo piu’ pulito

di Suspicious_Gur_2158


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  2. Suspicious_Gur_2158 on

    Somehow the entire text I wrote for the post has disappeared, i have tried lemon+baking soda and vinegar but this hard water stains done leave this part of the sink where I wash dishes and the kitchen doesnt look super clean even though the rest of the kitchen is shiny and clean..can someone help!

  3. sakasiru on

    Depends on what is on that surface. Some scrubbing/cleaner/descaler might help, but if those are scratches, well, they are in the material and you won’t get rid of them short of buying a new sink.

  4. ExpertPath on

    Citric Acid, Kalkreiniger, Vinegar,… Literally anything sour will do the job.

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