La BBC ammette che i suoi resoconti sulle morti “civili” di Gaza erano imprecisi. I dati riportati dal ministero della Sanità gestito da Hamas includevano la morte di combattenti di Hamas

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  1. The combatant: civilian death ratio is no worse than what we managed in Afghan and Iraq. People are barking up the wrong tree there. The problem is aid and food, for which Israel and to a lesser extent Egypt have royally fucked up.

    There seems no real plan for what comes after, seemingly Hamas remaining in control of Gaza is off the table, so there needs to be an election process similar to what happened in Iraq in the 00s. But there is radio silence as far as I can tell from Israel on that stage, which is worrying.

  2. MobyDobieIsDead on

    Don’t know how anyone can believe any figures that are reported with the Hamas run health ministry being the source.

    Within 2 minutes of a missile hitting they announce the number of casualties, dead and the mix of men, women & children. Complete fiction but for some reason people lap it up as gospel and now we’ve got morons protesting on a weekly basis calling for governments with no control on the situation to agree a ceasefire against a terrorist organisation that keeps denying a ceasefire.

    Also will there be any repercussions on our state broadcaster for repeating terrorist lies or nah?

  3. LieutenantEntangle on

    Well Hamas fighters use civilians as meatshields so it is hard to determine civilian vs fighter.

    Guerilla warfare is hard to defeat. We use bombs a lot. Bombs blast indiscriminately.

  4. Even with Hamas committing countless war crimes by refusing to uniform their combatants and by commingling military and civilian facilities, Israel have *still* managed to keep civilian casualties incredibly low.

  5. PatrickBateman-AP on

    The number is never going to be accurate. It never can be

  6. Xenozip3371Alpha on

    We should not be involved in this, both sides fucking suck.

  7. Douglesfield_ on

    I mean they do always say where the figure comes from.

  8. mitchanium on

    Mis/inaccurate information being used without question isn’t just a Hamas problem tbh.

    And as an aside even Israel has confirmed the accuracy of and referred to the Palestinian health ministry in this conflict.

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