La Germania celebrerà per la prima volta la Giornata dei Veterani dall’unificazione del 1871

di TheTelegraph


  1. TheTelegraph on

    ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Germany will commemorate Veterans Day for the first time since its unification, as Berlin seeks to increase the armed forces’ prestige and public profile in the face of mounting threats from Russia.

    On Thursday, MPs in the Bundestag approved a bid to make June 15 a day of honouring all Germans who have worn a military uniform, inspired in part by UK Armed Forces Day.

    “It is about making it clear to our soldiers that we treat them with respect, with appreciation, with gratitude for their service and that we are very proud of them,” said Eva Högl, Germany’s federal armed forces commissioner, before the bill was passed.

    “It is also about taking a look at wounds and injuries, and remembering that German soldiers also lost their lives in the line of duty,” she added.

    **Read more:** [](

  2. IosefRex on

    Meanwhile the world celebrates their liberation from the nazis in these months.

    Given Germany’s history, this seems so very inappropriate.

  3. nezosage on

    Even the US made it a holiday. Make it a holiday and give people off if you want them to care. Especially in Europe, where people are not as brainwashed about it.

  4. Germany has contributed so much to the EU, dare I say the most. So sad that some people in this thread want to bring up WW2 like that wasn’t 4 generations ago.

  5. BaguetteOfDoom on

    Nobody will give a shit about it because it’s not a national holiday. It will have about the same significance as the international Nutella day in the public eye.

  6. SeleucusNikator1 on

    I was surprised to learn that November 11 memorial service isn’t a thing in Germany, given that it’s a pretty major ordeal in the UK, France, etc.

    Guess November is too crowded with important dates in German history to make space for WWI commemorating.

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