Bambini visti torturare un riccio fuori da un negozio di patatine

di lookitsthesun


  1. EvilTaffyapple on

    I fucking hate this world. What sane person does something like this?

  2. shinzu-akachi on

    Why do people suddenly care about animals when its something wild like a hedgehog being mistreated? The vast majority are happy to turn a blind eye to the literal billions systematically tortured and slaughtered by the meat and dairy industries, purely for the purpose of taste pleasure.


  3. BurgerFuckingGenius on

    We need to start punching people in the face when they behave like dickheads. I think people have just realised they can literally do anything, and there will be no consequences.

    OK I maybe wouldn’t punch a child, but some other appropriate negative stimuli. Perhaps a cattle prod.

  4. OHCHEEKY on

    If you are gonna bring a kid up like this you just shouldn’t be able to breed in the first place

  5. Pen_dragons_pizza on

    I honestly feel if I saw this I could have easily made the wrong decision and kicked one of these kids to the ground to save the hedgehog.

    Hearing how cruel some people are to animals will forever get to me, not surprisingly I would likely have little care to see the same done to one of these kids as a result.

  6. jamieliddellthepoet on

    Kids have been torturing hedgehogs since time immemorial. It’s a tradition.

  7. Lowlife108 on

    Year 6, final year of junior school, walking to school one morning.

    The high school was in the opposite direction so on the other side of the road, there would be big kids walking to another school.

    I can still remember some twat, a Year 10 or 11, shouting “Hedgehog!” seconds before booting a hedgehog from beside a small tree and into the middle of the main road.

    I can still remember watching the poor thing roll to a stop. I kept walking. I didn’t dare do anything about it.

    I’m 35 now and I’ve still never seen a hedgehog knocking around at 8am, let alone near the pavement. Poor little guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 🥺

    Still pisses me off. I wish I could find the guy and ask WHY??? Who hurt you???

  8. penguinsfrommars on

    Walked in on some 8yos torturing and maiming fish when I was 6 in the 80s. Not a new thing.

  9. greenflights on

    I was walking through the park recently and told a little girl off for kicking the pigeons. Her father told me not to speak to her child like that and that “it’s just a fucking pigeon”. Lost a fair bit of faith in humanity there.

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