Molteplici navi da guerra britanniche per ottenere pistole laser

di PoiHolloi2020


  1. WiseBelt8935 on

    “Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
    “Britons never will be slaves.”

  2. PoiHolloi2020 on

    I’ve been wondering (not knowing much about military tech or doctrine) how we’d respond to the increased threat from drone technology since a [drone flying close to Gatwick airport caused a runway to close in 2017]( Have to say I did not envision part of that response being lasers.

  3. WhiteHalo2196 on

    How likely is a reliable laser anti-nuclear missile defence system to be developed in the coming decades?

  4. VikingBorealis on

    Waiting for the guy in the other laser weapon thread to pipe in about how laser weapons are impossible and aren’t actually being deployed.

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