Un uomo turco sorpreso indecentemente con una mucca era illegale e notoriamente fastidioso


di Standard_Property213


  1. Standard_Property213 on

    Suspicious of the cow’s movements, the zoo employee had a hidden camera installed and caught him red-handed. The man has been deported back to Turkey!

  2. Strange-One-45 on

    >The man who committed fornication with cow Laura at the Wooldrik petting zoo in Enschede has been living illegally in the Netherlands for almost a year and has been causing a nuisance in the city for a long time.

    What the fuck did I just read? Why am I scrolling Reddit at three I the morning? Why did I spend some time translating this and why am I writing this out?

  3. If you’re a cow, don’t mention the Armenian Genocide, or else.

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