L’Ucraina ritira i carri armati Abrams forniti dagli Stati Uniti dalla prima linea contro le minacce dei droni russi


di MatchingTurret


  1. 8livesdown on

    The Abrams was designed in the 1960s. They probably didn’t have drones in mind.

  2. AstalderS on

    Gotta wonder what an army will look like in 2050 given all this…

  3. Hanna-11 on

    I think it’s the wrong sign.Should we withdraw the Leopard 2 now too? More of them have already been destroyed. The Russian friends AfD and BSW in Germany would be happy.

  4. DownvoteDynamo on

    INB4 people start saying tanks are obsolete.

    The US would deploy their Abrams all with trophy systems. Most likely modified to engage FPV drones soon. So lancets, FPVs, ATGMs and RPGs are actually non-issues for the most modern tanks.

    Remember, Ukraine got M1A1s from the Gulf. The US is on the M1A2 Sep. V3 standard for most of their Abrams. So they would be more or less fine in this environment.

    And please also remember, this is war. In war equipment gets lost. No tank is invincible. But it’s most likely best to preserve the equipment for when the time is right.

  5. Desperate_Chance4621 on

    It’s the right call for now. They are useless without ammo but will do well exploiting an eventual breakthrough in the line. That breakthrough will happen under F16 air support.

  6. Binkeyhackelbacker on

    Sensible move. Hopefully, with the new weapons, the invaders can be pushed back. Everything is now in range. IWS estimates that only 10 Atacms needed to cover the whole front line.

  7. digital0069 on

    they are a huge target since they have a bounty on them…

    just like the f16 will have if it ever enters

  8. CryptoParagon on

    I consider this a wise move on Ukraine’s part and while the US sounds frustrated, this is a temporary situation. Everything about this war is being used by the US to pre-plan for the next great power test of arms. Wild and weird drone/anti-drone projects will be tested in the next two years. Nothings going to get those DOD dollars faster than the words “tested in Ukraine”.

  9. Mobile_Incident_5731 on

    This report seems misleading. The 47th Mech is the only unit operating Abrams. Other reporting says the 47th were recently pulled off the line to refit.

    I’ve not seen reporting that the 47th is losing their Abrams.

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