“Come può uno stato cessare con la forza 1/5 del territorio di un altro stato, uccidere 23.000 dei suoi cittadini, causare la scomparsa di 3.900 dei suoi cittadini, pulire etnicamente l’intera area, cacciare 1 milione di persone dalle loro case, privarle di le loro proprietà, distruggono il loro patrimonio culturale, saccheggiano le loro risorse nazionali, e poi si alzano e affermano con la faccia seria di avere una ragionevole aspettativa che non verrà avanzata alcuna rivendicazione contro di loro. Non può! Ma questo è esattamente ciò che l’Armenia ha fatto negli ultimi giorni”. @StefanTalmon, professore di diritto internazionale, Università di Bonn, avvocato presso @TwentyEssex Chambers. 26 aprile 2024: secondo round di discussione orale (#Azerbaijan) alla #ICJ. https://twitter.com/FarahG777/status/1783956768378245198?s=19


di Skol-Man14

1 Comment

  1. Skol-Man14 on

    **Round Two**

    “There is plainly evidence that Armenia’s
    forces planted landmines and booby traps with the purpose and effect of barring the return of Azerbaijani civilians.”

    Sean Aughey, barrister at @EssexCourtLaw Chambers specialising in PIL, public law and human rights.

    26 April 2024: Second round of oral argument (#Azerbaijan) at #ICJ.


    “How can a state forcibly cease a 1/5 of the territory of another state, kill 23,000 of its nationals, cause 3,900 of its nationals to go missing, ethnically cleanse the whole area, drive 1 million people from their homes, deprive them of their property, destroy their cultural heritage, loot their national resources, and then stand up and claim with the straight face that it has a reasonable expectation that no claim would be brought against it. It cannot! But that is exactly what Armenia has been doing for the last few days.”

    @StefanTalmon, Professor of International Law, University of Bonn, Barrister at @TwentyEssex Chambers.

    26 April 2024: Second round of oral argument (#Azerbaijan) at #ICJ.


    **Round One**

    Entire 20 minutes can be found here



    23 April 2024: First round of oral argument (#Azerbaijan) at #ICJ.

    Prof. Laurence Boisson De Chazournes of @MatrixChambers, Professor of international law at the University of Geneva, refuted Armenia’s objection re the environmental damage it caused during the occupation.


    23 April 2024: First round of oral argument (#Azerbaijan) at #ICJ.

    Samuel Wordsworth, KC, @EssexCourtLaw Chambers, member of the Bar of England and Wales, member of the Paris Bar, rebuts legal and factual aspects of Armenia’s objections re landmines and booby traps.


    23 April 2024: First round of oral argument (#Azerbaijan) at #ICJ.

    @StefanTalmon, Professor of International Law, University of Bonn, Barrister at @TwentyEssex Chambers, explains why Armenia’s admissibility objection fails.


    23 April 2024: First round of oral argument (#Azerbaijan) at #ICJ.

    Prof. Vaughan Lowe KC, @EssexCourtLaw Chambers explains why Armenia’s objection to jurisdiction ratione temporis must be rejected.


    23 April 2024: First round of oral argument (#Azerbaijan) at #ICJ.

    Stephen Fietta KC, Fietta LLP, Solicitor Advocate of the Senior Courts of England and Wales, provides overview of Azerbaijan’s #CERD complaint.


    23 April 2024: First round of oral argument (#Azerbaijan) at #ICJ.

    Excellent speech by His Excellency @ElnurIMammadov at the opening of the hearings concerning the Application of the #CERD (Azerbaijan v. Armenia).


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