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  1. Mr_Billy_Gruff on

    Maybe it’s just a reflex from being in the scout’s as a nipper but the idea of having a union jack on the floor and then stepping on it geuinely makes me shudder.

    At least its not a doormat I guess. Although it is still in very poor taste imo.

    Edit: blocking the trolls

  2. Jonography on

    Usually I find these things cringe, but I have to say you’ve done an amazing job. It’s really well put together. Very interesting.

  3. Constable_Happy on

    Looks mega, apart from the R.Sigs stuff. Dirty Scaley 😉

  4. Uncle___Marty on

    Saw your name, any reference to gurkhas? Was lucky enough to know many of them. Freaking TOP people.

    Read the other replies, you might want to edit your post wording to explain. My mind went the same way everyone elses did but I apologise for that. Anyone else reading please give the OP an upvote, its not a display of the nazi flag, its a display of WW2 memoriblila. Nothing more.

  5. AccomplishedPlum8923 on

    Am I right that the tractor pulls a captured tank/apc (it still has Z symbol, however it has Ukrainian flag now)?

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