Perché non vale la pena lavorare duro nella Gran Bretagna Tory

di Low_Map4314


  1. It’s this sort of thing that makes me feel so sorry for the plight of the well-paid Torygraph reader … oh, hang on, no it doesn’t. Fuck ’em.

  2. worldengine123 on

    Correct. If you are being taxed to death, what is the point of working hard?

    The entire economy is set up for the asset class.

  3. NoAcanthocephala5186 on

    Suprisingly balanced, for once. It’s under the tories they “stealth taxed” by leaving the bands unchanged for years while claiming to be the party of low tax – and the article does point this out.

    The stuff about parents gaming their income to be below £100k to avoid a triple whammy of penalties is a big issue and I see it a lot in my workplace. Whether you care about it as being an “issue” for the people in question it can certainly be an issue for the UK economy and overall productivity etc.

  4. ReferenceBrief8051 on

    The Telegraph attacking the Tories? Now I have seen everything!

  5. KeaAware on

    I love the way the torygraph talks about modest earners being taxed as though their rich – in the context of the effective tax rates over #125,000, omg!

  6. Grouchy_Conclusion45 on

    I know everyone wants to blame the fake-conservatives, but we need to take an honest look at things. If we cut taxes, people would crucify them for cutting public spending to pay for it (the only way to do it). It was the same when covid happened, the Governemnt only locked us down because the trial-by-media was about to crucify the government for being irrerepsonible if they didn’t do it.

    We have a real problem with public spending in the UK – namely, it’s far too high. Anyone that’s ever worked in the public sector knows too, you’re not exactly worked hard or efficiently. New folks get told to slow down because they’re outpacing the ones that have been there 10+ years. That’s why our productivity is going down, despite the continually increasing spending.

  7. likely-high on

    Oh no, now the Tories are targeting the Telegraph’s demographic.

  8. Variegoated on

    You’re worse off working hard in every way unless you also have exceptional luck.

    No wonder pur productivity is fucked

    I’ve doubled my salary over the last 5 years by just doing fuck all and then jumping ship as soon as I get. Better paid job interview

  9. OwlCaptainCosmic on

    Sorry, this guy’s earning 100k a year and paying taxes on it? Does he expect to earn that much and NOT pay taxes?

  10. SteveRobertSkywalker on

    Which wont be any different under Labour. Both main parties are 2 cheeks of the same backside when it comes to fundamentals. We really need to get off this tribalism kick and implement some major electoral reform in the UK. Reform to a PR system with more direct democracy in the way of referendums on key decisions.

  11. Conscious_Dog_4186 on

    Ah yes, only those on over £100k are hard workers, those under are just shirkers.

  12. Conscious_Dog_4186 on

    The irony being, most people on that kind of salary will have voted Tory, so my sympathy is zero.

  13. Chlorophilia on

    This is absolute nonsense. The problem in the UK isn’t the rate of taxation, it’s the atrociously low base pay. I’m in the US and am earning double what I’d be earning in the UK, before even considering taxes. I’d gladly return and face the marginally higher taxes in the UK (which, whilst far from perfect, has vastly better public infrastructure and services than the US) if the base pay wasn’t so shockingly bad to start with.

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