Rishi Sunak non esclude le elezioni generali di luglio, ma insiste che “ci sarà una scelta chiara” quando arriveranno


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  1. WeightDimensions on

    Not sure why they keep asking. He’s not going to announce it months before he needs to.

    Surely there’s better questions to be asking him, rather than repeating this one 5 times.

  2. technurse on

    July I’ll settle for. I just want a G.E with good weather

  3. korkythecat333 on

    There is a choice right now, more of the same shambles, or at least a chance of something better.

  4. princessxha on

    The whole thing is such a joke at this point.

    For all his faults, David Cameron was right to introduce fixed term parliaments. It’s a shame that was repealed.

    This isn’t what democracy looks like.

  5. SteveRobertSkywalker on

    There is no clear choice, both main parties are 2 cheeks of the same backside. There isnt much between them on the fundamentals. We need massive electoral reform in the UK.

  6. FearlessPressure3 on

    Surely the clearest indication yet that it will be a July election. I can’t particularly imagine he wants to still be in power once the flights to Rwanda fail to start leaving…

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