1. I simply cannot understand why Russian expatriates can move freely in the EU. It shouldn’t be possible. they, themselves, say we are their enemy, and we harbor them, in our backyard. it’s really too stupid, I don’t get it.

  2. Independent-Slide-79 on

    It sickens me as a german to see this… we have given these russians a home for decades and this is what they give back… we can live without such terrorists

  3. Imagine living in Western Europe, having access to normal media and still supporting Vladimir Putin in his sick hatred of Ukraine and Ukrainians

  4. mr_doppertunity on

    Let’s wait until they really found all the details. Because we already have a case when a “Russian threw a kid off the bridge in Germany”, the comments were very harsh, yet it turned out to be a lie.



    Almost none of the news outlets posted a correction.

    Also another “57 year old Russian” (https://odessa-journal.com/in-barcelona-the-russians-painted-historical-sights-with-z-symbols) defaced a cathedral writing a Z, turned out to be Ukrainian


    Guess how many Ukrainian outlets corrected their initial news.

  5. AlienAle on

    Very tragic news. 

    Don’t understand why people let hate consume their lives to such a degree.

  6. kaukanapoissa on

    Victim of Russian propaganda now has two dead victims.

  7. Reinis_LV on

    Russians have no chill. Just go live your lives in your own country if you can’t be friends with other nationalities.

  8. toblirone on

    As a German I can only say that these sick people are welcome to move back to Russia where they actually came from if it’s so much better over there. I am fully aware they are German citizens but this makes me sick

  9. dat_boi_has_swag on

    One of Germanys biggest mistakes was to let all the Kasachs and Russians into Germany because of German ancestry. They were not German at all.
    And I say that with my parents coming to Germany because of this policy. Fck this. Throw every Putin lover out.

  10. Sensitive_Ad_5031 on

    I’m very surprised for it to be 57 year old individual, I know they’re more susceptible to propaganda, however this person should have been alive at a time when it was more than normal for Russian and Ukrainian families to mix and be happy and when there wasn’t much hate for one another.

  11. BuT ThE OnLY PrObLEM Is PuTiN, ThE RUSSiaNs ArE FiNe AnD SuFfEr So MuCH UnDeR HiS ReGImE!!!111

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