Questo vecchio bacino era precedentemente una zona di pesca. Fornito di carpe e orate. Sospetto che ce ne siano ancora alcuni qui. Comunque ho preso solo rud. Potrei mettere delle trote qui? Sopravvivrebbero? È legale?

di Seanc26_1984


  1. wrapchap on

    Contact the EPA/fisheries ireland first. There needs to be a study carried out before any new species should be introduced unfortunately. Trout could come and wipe out some endangered or protected species.

  2. Zipzapzipzapzipzap on

    Refer to a professional, contact the EPA first. Too many Irish lakes have been destroyed by introduced species

  3. mongo_ie on

    Unless you own it or have the owners permission and have the relevant authorisation from the government then it is illegal to stock it with anything.

    Is the reservoir connected to any other watercourses ? What would be the impact the those environments by stocking the lake with another predatory species.? How would you prevent those trout from making it into the other watercourses ?

    What type of trout would you stock it with ? Removed from another water or purchased from a hatchery ? All sorts of environmental reasons for not doing this.

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