Se un membro del Parlamento fa questo! Cosa dice del partito che governa il paese?

di Narrow_Cable_7164


  1. Hmm so now we start judging groups by indivitual peoples acts?

  2. Weird_Demand_5111 on

    The fact that at least his power is not suspended and at most he isn’t in jail says a lot. An immigrant would be stripped off their citizenship for endangering public already.

  3. JaanaLuo on

    I do dissagree with OPs reasoning.
    What matters is how the party reacts to this.

    Bad apples dont judge whole population. But if majority of so called “Good population agreed bad apples”, then we can judge whole group.

    There is however already sentenced kid groomer on high seat of PS party, so I would not be surprised if this shooting was tried to be mopped under the carpet same way.

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