“Volevo seppellirmi vivo” – Dentro l’aumento delle truffe legate alla sextortion maschile


di BulkyAccident


  1. Bakedk9lassie on

    Would there be as many cases if men weren’t so keen to send people they don’t know photo/video of their cock?

  2. brainburger on

    >When Owen saw a video of himself masturbating, he thought for a second that it was actually him. But after watching he noticed something slightly odd about the video and that actually, from the waist down it wasn’t his body.

    This seems curious. It was his own arm and hand doing the fake masturbating?

    I expect its just clumsily written.

  3. TheLimeyLemmon on

    >Before the deepfake Owen says that he had always protected his privacy very carefully, but one momentary slip up cost him. **He believes that it was answering a phone call from an unknown number that enabled someone to gain access to his contacts and his camera gallery. “A lot of people told me that the scammer must have planted a spyware when the phone call was connected,” he says.**

    That happens?

  4. salamanderwolf on

    Why would you think for a second it was you, unless you had done that before anyway? We really need to normalise the view that sex isn’t the be all and end all of life.

    Regardless though, it’s a scummy thing to go through I should think.

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