Gli Stati Uniti acquistano 81 aerei da combattimento dell’era sovietica dal Kazakistan, alleato della Russia, per un costo medio inferiore a 20.000 dollari ciascuno

di TotalSpaceNut


  1. More importantly Russia *aren’t* getting 81 planes’ worth of parts.

  2. BlueKolibri23 on

    Actually a great idea. Ukraine is trained in the soviet shit and can easily adapt them in the battle.

  3. Yeah so okay in retrospect maybe it was a bad idea for Russia to declare that Kazakhstan is next after Ukraine.

    I think that maybe that might have been the point where Russia lost any chance that might have remained, to hold onto any kind of alliance. Just maybe. The reasoning is subtle but it’s there if you look.

    Instead, Kazakhstan is apparently using its military to keep Russia from sneaking out of Baikonur without paying what it owes. Meanwhile Kazakhstani Russians are learning Kazakh so they can help de-Russify the entire country.

    And now this. Kazakhstan knows that “who’s next after Ukraine?” is not a question that anyone wants to have to answer, not only in Europe but anywhere in the world.

  4. 3d_blunder on

    It’s good when we defeat our enemies with what we’ve got: A metric shit-tonne of cash, and cultural stuff like blue jeans and music.

    If we could simply bribe every orc to mutiny, that would very VERY likely be cheaper than funding the war.

    For example: assuming 450,000 ruzzian casualties, a $25,000 each bribe would be a total of $11.3 billion. That’s very likely a bargain.

  5. john_moses_br on

    Weird that Russia allowed the sale, if they allowed it. Normally you need permission from the country that owns the technology when you sell military hardware, seems a bit unlikely that Kazakhstan would not respect that. But maybe they asked before the auction and the Russians didn’t care who buys them.

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