I partigiani dell’intelligence militare ucraina GUR hanno bruciato due locomotive in 3 giorni, una a Orenburg e una a Vladikavkaz


di TotalSpaceNut


  1. That’s not a good sign for Russia.. they need those…

    Like, seriously, rail is everything for the invasion effort. I’m sure they have six shittons more of locomotives but if partisans are able to start picking them off like this that’s not going remain the case for long.

    I guess maybe telling the regions they had to be responsible for transport security now wasn’t actually the brilliant move it seemed like at the time..?

  2. DeathmetalArgon on

    How much trouble is it to remove a busted train off the tracks?

  3. andupotorac on

    Russia probably has tens of thousands of those? 🤷🏻‍♂️

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