Nel mio appartamento è stata installata una lavastoviglie con l’aiuto di un idraulico professionista. Ho acquistato la lavastoviglie da un negozio di seconda mano e il negozio ha effettuato l’installazione. Appena due giorni dopo, il tubo di scarico si è staccato e il mio appartamento si è allagato. Ho segnalato il fatto alla mia compagnia assicurativa. Dopo un’indagine adeguata, hanno scoperto che il danno causato dall’acqua era stato causato da un’installazione errata. Pertanto la compagnia assicurativa ha negato il pagamento di qualsiasi risarcimento. La società immobiliare ha già iniziato a riparare il danno e sembra che costerà più di 3000 euro, una cifra impossibile per me da pagare. Sono davvero frustrato per questo incidente. La mia società immobiliare e la mia assicurazione mi hanno consigliato di chiedere un risarcimento all’installatore. Quindi, qual è la procedura e come dovrei affrontarli? Grazie in anticipo!

di dipondipu-fin


  1. dathingee on

    Have you contacted the company who did the installation? That would be the first step.  
    Edit: get everything in writing, email preferably

  2. EppuBenjamin on

    If the installer was a professional and you paid them, they are liable. Contact them.

  3. Anaalirankaisija on

    Im afraid you are screwed with that

    Theres no-one else to blame, the crew that brought this to you, is not responsible.

    The so-called professional, was only helping, so he will wash his hands out of this.

    The insurance was your best bet. I hope you survive somehow.

  4. dickipiki1 on

    As a worker/contractor. Just call the company. If they are legit and have any capability, they will fix everything. For contractor a good reputation is important as is that you stay out of court. Too expensive. Though if it’s a small company and the water damage is excessive then they can’t really fix it but that’s why your housing company is suppose to have their own insurance and you have yours. You should not pay this in the end. Some inconvenience always can come but don’t pay this shit willingly as what you say makes it sound like workers mistake.
    Was the contractors and you deal legit? You have papers and all about the installation?

  5. How did the insurance company investigate this? Somebody came to your home to check the installation?

    What insurance company you have? All of them are scum, but I’d like to know which ones are the worst.

    As others said, the responsibility falls on the installation company then. Hope you kept a receipt.

  6. dfore1234 on

    We had a similar situation. A drainage pipe wasn’t tightened properly (it literally needed half a turn more to be fully tight) and it had been slowly leaking waste water whenever you’d poor down a bunch of water at once. No flooding, but local water damage.

    Insurance organised an inspection company which took care of the end-to-end process, insurance paid for it (minus own deductible) and we also got a weekly allowance as we couldn’t use the kitchen for cooking. We were also offered the option to use a hotel room while the repairs were ongoing.

    Sounds like you should change the insurer, or just don’t have a good insurance package.

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