Rachel Reeves respinge le pretese del Primo Ministro al Parlamento e gli “illusi” conservatori “ingannano” gli inglesi sull’economia


di djpolofish


  1. takesthebiscuit on

    How the fuck has Fishy Rishy managed to dodge any criticism here,

    Lost 500 councillors, and all bar one mayor race

    Yet not a peep of real concern from the Tory MPs

    I was hoping for fireworks

  2. djpolofish on

    “If Rishi Sunak is so convinced the election is so close, there’s one way to test that… call an election and let the people decide.”

    The PM suggested yesterday that the election was “not a foregone conclusion” and there was still hope for the Tories yet.”

    But they have so much more misery to push on us, a lot more sell-offs and they haven’t finished salting the earth yet. The Tories want 6 more months of destroying the remaining social safety nets before they go and the Daily Mail and Telegraph have so many more “fear of the other” articles to gaslight the plebs into voting Tory again.

  3. Grayson81 on

    Sunak’s claim seems to be, “Labour are going to be the biggest party, but they might not get a proper majority. If they don’t get a proper majority, that would lead to a coalition of chaos, which would be bad.”

    The obvious conclusion from what he’s saying is that it would be better if Labour won more seats. So we should all vote Labour.

  4. TonyHeaven on

    The Tory Party might not even be in opposition after the next general election,going on the recent results.
    Something to look forward to

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