Una donna di Kidderminster si dichiara colpevole di ruolo nella rete di tortura delle scimmie


di ClassicFlavour



    I’m always attached to a VPN. The first time I have seen this. Very interesting.

    > Error: 410 Gone

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  2. felix_culpa93 on

    Such a sick group of people torturing animals for fun. Poor babies 🙁

  3. WannaLawya on

    She needs to go away for a bloody long time. I can’t imagine she’ll ever be safe to be around vulnerable animals, children or adults.

  4. spackysteve on

    Every single one of these degenerates should be jailed for life. They are broken humans without empathy. A danger to the rest of us, in particular defenceless people and animals.

  5. PerceptionGreat2439 on

    Just when you think we as human beings couldn’t get any lower, someone always goes and proves me wrong.

    Total scum bitch. Jail time and a massive fine which is then forwarded to animal charities.


  6. VixTheUnicorn on

    >The prosecution said LeGresley showed a desire to harm vulnerable creatures and that she also had a hatred towards pregnant women and children

    So basically she wanted to see this happening to babies, but had to settle for monkeys.

    People who are involved in this kind of shit need to be permanently monitored and kept far away from any animals or children upon release. There’s no fixing this level of fucked up.

  7. Icy_Collar_1072 on

    Can’t even bring myself to read about that it makes me feel sick. The sheer depravity and evil to do things like.

  8. BreadOnCake on

    She hates baby monkeys, pregnant people and children. She’s one awful person.

  9. Aggressive_Plates on

    I never felt so out of the loop.

    We really are sheltered and protected here on reddit.

  10. You want planet of the apes .. cus this is how you get planet of the apes

  11. Plus_Competition3316 on

    One quick look at her half-hidden photo and you can see why she “had a hatred for pregnant woman and children”. Bullied all her life with 0 relationships and a jealous nature to women that are reproducing when she can’t.

    This fucker is truly evil.

    Any psychologist should be able to pick her apart within 15 minutes and see she isn’t fit to be in the public, should be thrown under the prison. But we all know she’ll be out in a few years.

  12. What the actual fuck is a monkey torturing network? How? I don’t even want to know to be honest. Humans can be shit.

  13. Macho-Fantastico on

    Makes me feel sick, she needs to be locked up for life because she’ll likely pose a danger to others.

    Absolutely vile inhumane monster.

  14. ThaneOfArcadia on

    There are people in this world that are mentally damaged and are a danger to society. We have stop feeling sorry for these people and trying to “rehabilitate”. Lock them away for good.

  15. Hot-Plate-3704 on

    She is sick and twisted, there’s no other words to describe her

  16. TrueRain7498 on

    WTF is this the world coming to when this sort of stuff goes on 🤮. I find it hard to contemplate how people can do this. We live in a messed-up world. I generally don’t believe in absolute evil, but I think this is beyond redemption. Lock them up and throw away the key.

  17. Porticulus on

    My home town living up to it’s shitness I see. Brilliant.

  18. Send_Cake_Or_Nudes on

    I’ve encountered stories of ‘zoophiles’ doing sick shit to animals (torture as well as sexual abuse), but that feels less real because it’s online. It feels much more chilling when it’s a woman in a nondescript UK town that I’ve passed through a few times.

  19. michaelnoir on

    “the monkey torture community”

    Worst “community” ever.

  20. Ironfields on

    Fully expect her to see her face on the news in a few years having murdered someone or several people. Animal torture is how it starts.

  21. CosmicShrek14 on

    I just don’t understand how a human can go from a pure baby/child to doing this shit.

  22. Jaxxlack on

    🤢 this stuff makes me feel genuinely unwell and then want to hurt people 😔

  23. Yacht_Amarinda on

    This woman needs serious psychiatric treatment. Do they still perform lobotomies on the NHS?

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