Negato il visto per la Germania

di OccasionPrimary4334


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  2. OccasionPrimary4334 on

    I’m not sure why the body of my post keeps getting deleted but here is the explanation.

    According to the reasons highlighted in red in the attached image, i was refused a visit visa to Germany where my partner lives. For context, i indicated in my application that the reason i am traveling for a period of 14 days is to see my partner, plan our engagement and meet his colleagues and friends. I indicated that i have a job in my home country where I live (Nigeria) and i am my mother’s caretaker. I included the following documents in my application, my cover letter, a letter from my employer stating i will be returning to work after my trip, my salary account statement, savings account statement and pension account statement, i also included 3 months payslips and pictures of myself and my partner. On my partner’s side, i included his proof of residence, his salary account statement as he was supposed to cover my expenses during the trip (his salary is 4k+ per month), copy of blue card and international passport and an invitation letter. I also included a flight itinerary, hotel booking and travel insurance yet i was denied. This is very very heartbreaking as my partner and i have been planning this trip since January. And I have every intention of returning to my home country, my family and my work are here, I am not ready to leave yet.

    I have the right to appeal but i am not sure whether to do that or re apply again. I came across this: Verpflichtungserklärung. If i write a letter to the embassy and include it, will be application be reassessed? What are my options? I am really confused and sad and angry.

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