La migrazione non è riuscita a stimolare la crescita economica, avverte il rapporto

di Threatening-Silence


  1. Threatening-Silence on

    > Analysis of Home Office data showed the impact of the shift from EU to non-EU migrants. Migrants from the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey aged 25-64 were almost twice as likely to be economically inactive as someone born in the UK.

    > Spanish migrants typically earned around 40pc more than migrants from Pakistan or Bangladesh, while migrants from countries such as Canada, Singapore and Australia paid between four and nine times as much income tax as migrants from Somalia or Pakistan.

  2. Charming_Ad_6021 on

    A report written by Robert jenrick? Given his history of lying and incompetence its probably not worth the paper it’s written on.

  3. Hes_Done_You_There on

    When the population goes up 10 million over 15 years without wages changing, one thing is obvious: we’re all substantially poorer.

    The government has been incentivised to “grow the economy” with new bodies for decades, but it doesn’t grow the economy for the average person. But the shareholder class is better off, so hooray?

  4. seegquit on

    Migration *from outside the EU* has failed to drive growth – FTFY

  5. sepulchralnihilist on

    If you replace the words ‘economic growth’ with ‘the rich getting richer’ then a lot of news articles make a lot more sense.

  6. Rasples98 on

    Well at least my conscience is clean that I wasn’t on the liberal side of the culture war screaming that immigration benefits the economy and that anything other than total multiculturalism was racist. I’ve been saying for a long time that we’re taking in the *wrong* immigrants. I find it insane that someone from Africa can come and work in a matter of months with nothing but their word that they’ve worked in a specific area before, meanwhile I have a friend from the US with a good education TRYING to get a job, jumping through all the legal loops including marriage, only to be delayed time and time again.

    We’ve made it far too hard for educated first-world immigrants to move to the country, and far too easy and attractive for third-world country immigrants to enter illegally or work menial, unskilled jobs.

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