Sale a 100 il numero delle tende piantate lungo il Canal Grande

di badger-biscuits


  1. RunParking3333 on

    Judging from interviews most of these seem to be new arrivals.

    It seems to surprise the government that there’s still on average about 300 people arriving illegally here every week.

  2. Cause and reaction.
    You can’t hide all those pesky foreigners in hotels in the west forever. The pot is starting to boil over.

    On a side note I genuinely would love to read some research into the effects of settling such large numbers of foreign nationals into small communities like the government has done in the west. There are towns now with a larger population of asylum seekers than actual Irish people. Bar the obvious effects on the already under funded public services in those areas.

    It seems profiteering is engrained in Irish culture. Generations of people in this country will be dictated detrimentally by the profit of the few. British Rule 2 electric boogaloo. We’ll be back in tenements again soon enough

  3. LuckygoLucky1 on

    Lovely safe place to take a stroll… Ireland the dumping ground of unvetted immigrants

  4. sureyouknowurself on

    Would golf courses not be a better place to put these tents up?

    Have club houses for food and toilets too.

  5. Electronic_Ad_6535 on

    Harris and Roderic should be holding a weekly press conference explaining exactly what’s been done that week in working towards a solution. 

  6. reaper550 on

    Hey at least they have the toilet in form of a canal right next to them, I am sure the aquatic life will appreciate it and only when the smell of feces makes its way down into town it will be an issue again

  7. Original-Salt9990 on

    I honestly feel like I’m seeing a massive regression happening in this country, slowly but surely, in almost all aspects of life.

    Everything from housing, healthcare, the justice system, public transport, cost of living to the immigration system just feel like they’re getting worse and worse as time goes on.

    All I’ve seen is an absolute dereliction of duty on the part of the government over the past decade plus that has led us to where we are, and it still doesn’t look like we’re heading in the right direction after all of it.

  8. humdinger8733 on

    Walked past there the other day. Place is probably the cleanest it’s ever been. Must be looking after the area. Great buncha lads.

    I do wonder about the iPhone Pro Maxes they were using though.

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