Doireann Garrihy lascerà RTÉ 2FM dopo cinque anni: “È stato un vero piacere”

di PoppedCork


  1. Prestigious_Talk6652 on

    I dunno why shouldn’t they have a social media presence if they want to?

    Would have thought it was a bonus if it brought more listeners to the station.

  2. milkyway556 on

    Would anyone really notice? Take Carl with you, his voice grinds my gears.

  3. Apprehensive_Ratio80 on

    Ugh 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ nothing against her at all but it’s clear as day she’ll be back. They ALWAYS come back to 2FM it’s such a joke at this stage soon as funds begin to slow she’ll text someone who will give her her job back again and it will be a big announcement ‘Garrihy is returning to 2FM’ in about 3-5years and the cycle will continue. Guess no big deal really but I do laugh when I see these exits being pushed as if we are all losing someone 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. Knobhead666 on

    Maybe they might give ” Loddy” Ryan the job? She’s been wandering the corridors there for years…..

  5. Ok-Package9273 on

    I actually enjoy the three of them in the morning. Donnacha can be quite entertaining but he definitely still needs help keeping the show going at times so hopefully they’ve a solid broadcaster lined up to take over from Doireann.

  6. Successful-Tie-7817 on

    Does that mean she is going now or we have to wait another 5 years?

  7. ruokhunx on

    Oh no!! I’ll miss her entitled annoying south dub accent (even though she’s from the wesht?!)

  8. BigDickBaller93 on

    stole a living for 5 years, isn’t she like rte’s 5th highest earner or something? must have an absolute gravy train job lined up

  9. System_Web on

    I’ve no idea who these people are and I feel great about that!

  10. OceanOfAnother55 on

    Doireann literally kidnapped my three children a few years ago and stole money from my dying grandfather as well. Good riddance.

  11. SombreroSantana on

    It’s quite possible she’s leaving now becuase of Rtés new rules around gifts and external commerical activities.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if she ran through the figures and realised she’s worth enough without the job now to promote herself.

    Whether good or bad, if that’s the case it’ll be interesting to see how those new riela develop around other contractors, there will definitely be some old heads on contracts who are fuming now they won’t get free stuff, the contractors might leave over time or refuse jobs going forward if they are set to lose external commerical earnings. Will be difficult to attract any external presenters with pay restrictions in place too. Might help bring a few younger people through though.

    Be interesting to follow it over the next few years and see if others like The 2 Johnnies decide to pack it in because they’re losing opportunities staying with 2fm.

    Also worth noting that the new series of their Hidden Camera Show has aired and AFAIK Dancing with the Stars is cancelled next year so there’s no TV work lined up for Doireann, so it’s probably been in the works for a while.

  12. fenderbloke on

    Where’s that Jeremy Clarkson Oh No Anyway meme when you need it

  13. RTEs morning schedule is a slog. You’ve those 3 muppets followed by that Zamperelli clown.

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