Aprile batte i record della temperatura globale per l’undicesimo mese consecutivo


di euronews-english


  1. McFlyTheThird on

    No one cares anymore. It’s all about immigrants these days. I’m surprised there isn’t a far-right politician blaming climate change on immigrants yet. I have no doubt millions of morons will vote for that.

  2. BeduiniESalvini on

    Somebody revert the world tp the 80s and 90s and block it there forever, thanks.

    I anticipate any answers: I don’t care about AIDS, I don’t care about junkies, I don’t care about train bombings, I don’t care about Cold War. Life was better back then, end of.

  3. Full-Discussion3745 on

    Tell that to my heating electricity bill here in Sweden.

  4. VisualGlitz on

    Climate change isn’t real. I felt a bit chilly when I woke up this morning. /s

  5. BlankStarBE on

    Crazy how so many people fail to grasp the difference between the local weather and global climate.

    That’s like saying: no one in my family has allergies, so allergies don’t exist.

  6. And yet the Greens are set to lose 20 seats in the seat European elections. You get what you vote for, I guess

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