Cosa succede agli uccelli sul passaporto? Rappresenta qualcosa? Qual è la tua teoria personale?

di accidium


  1. accidium on

    Also, on the inside I saw some fancy goats, naked Aphrodite(s) and the pidgeons. What happened to the cats and donkeys? No Souvla, no Kleftiko, no Commandaria or Halloumi, no Orthodox churches? 🙁

  2. fatbunyip on

    They are ambelopoulia, but the nets were too small resolution to print. 

  3. ButWhatIfPotato on

    I remember seeing this for the first time and I was sure that I wouldnt be able to travel anywhere since anybody will take a glance at this and immediately think that it’s a fake passport.

    My theory is that some higher up hired some relative for a designer instead of someone with actual skills.

  4. easant-Role-3170Pl on

    looks like a combo in mortal kombat ⬆️⬆️➡️⬅️⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️➡️⬆️⬅️⬆️

  5. Rhomaios on

    I don’t think there’s any symbolism involved. The pigeons are just taken directly from the crest of the republic and symbolize peace, while the orientations follow a simple motif (one in proper orientation, then one with wings facing to the right, then one with wings facing bottom and left, then repeat).

  6. existentialg on

    I know you’re trying to be funny but I’m not in the mood. And they aren’t pigeons they are doves.

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