La peggiore coppia di Dine and Dash della Gran Bretagna si è dichiarata colpevole di aver evitato oltre 1.000 sterline di conti in tutta frenesia nei ristoranti del Galles

di tylerthe-theatre


  1. Vondonklewink on

    The word “dash” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this headline. Those two haven’t dashed anywhere for a long time. Dine and Waddle, maybe?

  2. Now_Wait-4-Last_Year on

    How did they think this was going to end especially in this age of HD CCTV?

  3. JosiesSon77 on

    Pair of scumbags.

    Should be slung in clink and just fed bread and water.

  4. Goodsamaritan-425 on

    A shame and a disgrace to Britain and British people. Own your actions and face the consequences.

  5. alfiemoonshine17 on

    Pay it back, twice.

    Then community service

    Then pay it back again

    Take every benefit they have

  6. MichaelHuntPain on

    Oh good. They caught those fat fucks. I thought it was an entire family

  7. Spamgrenade on

    Dine and dash is a pretty common crime and they only did five places which for dine dashers isn’t that prolific as they usually keep going until caught.

    Can’t see why this story made the national news.

  8. thefunkygibbon on

    that will mean that they’ll end up being fined £500 (which they’ll pay back at £1 a week) so they’ll still be quids in

  9. BMW_I_use_indicators on

    Throwing those parasites in jail on a restricted diet will just mean that when they are released, they’ll be slightly quicker when dine & dashing.

    The pair of fat fuckers.

  10. Cute_Ad_9730 on

    I don’t agree with the USA ‘three strikes and you’re out’ life imprisonment generic, but how about three strikes and you lose benefits and publicly funded housing.
    Including crimes by children you are meant to be responsible for. When did these scum last work 
    for a living?

  11. SnooChickens1534 on

    Ah travellers , they love travelling out of shops and restaurants with paying….

  12. PatrickDCally on

    Shoulda done a little less dine and a little more dash.

  13. tika_dengu on

    If only the Labour government in Wales devoted enough energy and resources into improving the worsening cost of living situation, we wouldn’t have people forced into thievery. The lack of credible political choice in Wales is a tragedy.

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