RCSI – Il cancro è “quasi una certezza” dallo svapo a lungo termine – studio


di WolfTame


  1. Fluffy-World-8714 on

    Vaping is going to be one of those things we look back on in 20 years and think “what the fuck were we doing?”

  2. JealousInevitable544 on

    What always struck me as bizarre is that many people successfully gave up smoking only to then take up vaping.

    Lads ye did the hard part; why replace one addiction with another?

  3. Ok-Package9273 on

    Am I right in reading this that it’s primarily due to the flavourings and an unflavoured vape would be ‘healthier’?

  4. Well…a special thanks to all the vapors out there for doing their part in solving the state pension issue.

  5. EvanMcc18 on

    I’m thankful I don’t Vape. I feel in 10-20 years I’ll be extremely thankful I don’t vape

  6. KingKaiser0 on

    “almost a certainty”

    “We used AI to break down the constituent chemicals which may be harmful”

    “A cocktail of unknown chemicals”

    Great stuff. Real cutting edge, high quality research.

    I don’t doubt vaping is bad for you but this is kind of like saying “lad who gets burger king as a treat every Saturday more likely to get cancer than lad who has chicken salad”.

    Like yeah, obviously. But how bad is it really? Is it the same as being out in the sun everyday for work or the equivalent to smoking two packs a day?

  7. XinqyWinqy on

    It’s not the act of vaping itself, it’s the *what* you’re vaping. Namely the carrier fluids that your desired substance is suspended in.

    People should use dry herb vaporisers, and vape actual tobacco leaf.

    Still leaves you open to health risks, but way less than actual smoking cigarettes and way less than vaping mystery cartridges that are 99% shite and 1% the nicotine you are interested in.

  8. RustyShack3lford on

    “180 flavours were measured with artificial intelligence” in fairness I think they should at least be verifying the flavors they noted that were high risk with traditional methods examination.

  9. Lost_Atmosphere1121 on

    I went from smoking to vaping.

    I had to start smoking to quit vaping 😂

    I then kicked the habit of smoking.

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