La Russia riceve un altro lotto di nuovi aerei da caccia Su-35S

di Mil_in_ua


  1. homonomo5 on

    Interesting that great deal of parts is not even russian but that sweet money for western companies is just too good.

  2. Mephisteemo on

    And the poor people of Belgorod are devastated.

    Please NATO, close the sky over Belgorod! 😭

  3. BlackIceMatters on

    Wow. TWO whole Su-35s!!! That’s literally the bare minimum to be able to call something a “batch”. Sorry Ukrainians, I don’t see a path to victory now that this delivery has taken place…

  4. wombat6168 on

    Unfortunately they’ve not received a new batch of pilots so the ones they have are forced to make more sorties which makes them vulnerable to air defence

  5. vladko44 on

    While people keep laughing at “two” this delivery would make it 4 more than Ukraine has.

  6. MrSssnrubYesThatllDo on

    Ahhh the old ‘flying lada’

    Excellent choice for invading your neighbours.

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