Un altro ringraziamento dalla raccolta fondi della terza brigata d’assalto di Protect A Volunteer! Non abbiamo rilanciato abbastanza per il nostro obiettivo di 2 scope: abbiamo rilanciato abbastanza per 13! Saranno più efficaci e nascosti durante le operazioni notturne. La visione notturna e i telescopi sono esigenze costanti e altre unità come la Chosen Co. ne hanno bisogno.


di tallalittlebit


  1. tallalittlebit on

    u/rcmcd922 here

    Our recent [fundraiser](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1c1xjg9/we_have_an_amazing_7067_raised_for_the_3rd/) to support the 3^(rd) Assault Brigade went very well.  With your funds plus some other funds, they are getting 5 thermal optics and 8 night vision compatible optics.  Night vision compatible optics enable a shooter equipped with a PVS-14 to aim without using a laser/projected aiming device and exposing their positions to enemies with similar night vision devices.

    We posted another [thank you video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1clov5z/we_raised_14000_for_the_3rd_assault_brigade_and/) the other day.

    Night vision goggles, night vision compatible optics and thermal scopes are constantly requested by soldiers. You can help us purchase these by donating to our [PayPal](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=CLFN53FZKSDY4). Select from the drop down menu to help teams we support.  Chosen Company is another unit always in need of night vision and if you want to donate to them, select “The Loveable Bozos (Chosen Company)”.  They perform some of the most dangerous missions and need as much support to survive as possible.

  2. MrBlueSky_UM on

    Excellent news! That emotional rollercoaster I felt, though! 🤣:
    “we didn’t raise enough for our goal of 2 scopes”: 😥☹️
    ….”we raised enough for 13!”: 🥳🎆🎉😃

  3. Skiddienyc1978 on

    Great news! Let’s keep supporting these amazing teams.

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