Rivelato: la maggioranza del NUS chiede l’espulsione del principale gruppo ebraico


di je97


  1. Penetration-CumBlast on

    Students unions and antisemitism, name a more iconic duo

  2. ferrel_hadley on

    Claiming Israel is a colonial project is somewhat troubling as the majority of Jews living there are descended from people who were living in Muslim majority countries before 1945. It’s an attempt to erase that history. It’s an attempt to take a very one sided view of a complex issue.


    You can view the war as being between two immoral or even deeply immoral combatants with innocent civilians as victims, you can take a lot of views on the who did what. But if you only present one side of evidence to promote outright antagonism of one side while ignoring their set of grievances and the other set of often deeply immoral acts you are at best engaging in agitprop and at worst hate mongering. That is trying to rile hate against groups.

  3. fucking-nonsense on

    I remember when the NUS refused to condemn ISIS because they thought doing so might be seen as demonising Muslims. They’ve always been mental.

  4. Grayson81 on

    The group in question has allegedly supported ethnic cleansing and the use of starvation and famine as a weapon against civilian populations.

    If those allegations are true, it seems pretty reasonable to expel them and this headline seems like an intentional attempt to mislead people into thinking that there are calls to expel the group *because* they’re Jewish.

  5. apsofijasdoif on

    UJS is *the* organisation that next to every university Jewish society is linked to btw.

    Every Jewish university student, and anyone else for that matter, who has attended a Jsoc event will have benefited from them as they fund events, coordinate speakers and help with things like running a society, planning and how to keep events secure.

    Hard to understate how integrated they are with organised Jewish university life. If the NUS wasn’t almost entirely irrelevant, this would be massively ostracising.

    It’s such a welcoming and lovely dovey organisation as well. If even UJS, which basically represents next to the most liberal Jewish opinion, is so impermissible that it must be expelled, it’s basically saying that Jews aren’t welcome at all.

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