Il Dipartimento del governo locale afferma che “non è compito del Dipartimento intervenire nel governo locale”

di TheDirtyBollox


  1. Sea_Sprinkles426 on

    Maybe the Gardai and justice system could intervene then?

  2. tomob234 on


    Seriously, is anyone ever going to take responsibility for anything in this country? Everyone here do themselves a favour and either take to the polls or take to the streets. There’s no other way we’ll have even the faintest hope of change otherwise.

  3. Dorcha1984 on

    The gravy does be over flowing so much that it creates a slick mess that’s hard to work in.

    If they won’t do their job then they essentially are redundant and should be cut.

  4. Successful-Tie-7817 on

    News in

    Department of Justice spokesman says department doesn’t do justice!

  5. Successful-Tie-7817 on

    Department of health to contact all citizens and send knives and sewing kit to each household.

    We don’t do health anymore. Sort yourselves out!

    How hard can it be spokesman says!

  6. Pickman89 on

    After reading the article I realised that if you bring up this lack of followup with the Ombudsman he will hand your request straight to the department.

    Well, that seems perfectly sensible. No abuse possible at all. XD

  7. Jesus, this is inflammatory and it’s very sneaky reporting from the Journal. From what I can see it was Office for Protected Disclosures (OPDC) that is saying that they were told this. Technically that’s hearsay

    >“We did not accept, however, that the reports fell outside their remit,” **the OPDC said**. “The Department’s concern is that it is not the role of the Minister or the Department to intervene with local government.”

    So it’s an out of context comment that was NOT made directly by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

    It seems like an article that was purpose built to generate outrage. Typical Irish reporting these days.

  8. sureyouknowurself on

    > This is despite the department having overall sectoral responsibility for local authorities.

    Imagine if the government actually tried to do its job.

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