Kate Forbes, oppositrice del matrimonio paritario, nominata vice primo ministro scozzese


di PinkNews


  1. I don’t claim to know the ins and outs but wasn’t her point slightly more nuanced? She opposed it in the sense that she said she would hypothetically not have voted for it, not that she wants to repeal it. I don’t agree with her either way but there is a difference.

    But either way it’ll be interesting to see if their social policy changes at all or how much influence she’ll have over it.

  2. e_tarra_lliure on

    Why is this nutcase in any vicinity of a position of power, even worse, within a so called progressive party?

  3. She holds views that were completely uncontroversial only a few years ago, and still held by the majority today. Diversity is our strength, how wonderful it is to have a Christian as Deputy FM.

  4. m0j0licious on

    She _’holds religious views on sexual ethics, including disavowal of sexual intercourse before marriage, rejection of same-sex marriage, and opposition to most abortions.’_

    Does this present a problem? She appears to know her beliefs are increasingly minority; she also appears to be willing to abstain from voting on such issues.

  5. When Tim Farron was hounded out of a party leadership position for religious views *despite* voting consistently in *favour* of LGBT rights and such, it is quite alarming that not a decade later there’s a party putting an openly homophobic person into a leadership position.

  6. On_The_Blindside on

    Why are all these religious folk getting into positions of even rudimentary power? It’s ridiculous. First the chanting green councillor, now this dick.

  7. TheImageOfMe on

    One of the few truly principled people in British politics.

  8. AmorousBadger on

    A bigot in a nationalist party? Surely not! Next you’ll be telling me that that SNP are pushing a vision of ‘independence’ from a wider economic union with a combination of fantasy economics and hollow patriotism.

  9. Baslifico on

    Hasn’t she already demonstrated how much of a trainwreck she’s going to be?

  10. Ok_Satisfaction_6680 on

    Same as Tories, just running out of viable candidates so these barrel scrapers get top jobs

  11. ElvishMystical on

    If you think your religious belief legitimizes your homophobia or transphobia, then it’s possible that you’re too stupid to follow a religion.

    We need to stop confusing the issues here. Some people are homophobic or transphobic because they’re bigots. Whether or not they follow a religion is beside the point.

    There’s plenty of people who follow a religion who aren’t bigots. People need to stop excusing bigotry with religion. It’s not helpful. It’s not mature. We shouldn’t be excusing or accepting any form of bigotry period.

  12. newnortherner21 on

    Jacob Rees-Mogg holds similar views and opposes abortion in all circumstances, yet I don’t recall these being reasons why his appointment as Leader of the House of Commons being opposed for those reasons.

    Though how he could reconcile his religious views with serving under Mr Johnson, I don’t know.

  13. plawwell on

    I hope the SNP get decimated at the next election with only Humza surviving.

  14. benrinnes on

    Well, I for one am running out of parties to vote for! I wonder if there’ll be an independent?

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