L’uomo è scappato dalla custodia nella stazione di Fermoy Garda ma è stato catturato due minuti dopo


di OldVillageNuaGuitar


  1. Bill_Badbody on

    Tbf to him, there arent many places to go when you run out the door of feemoy garda Station, if you go straight you end up in the river.

  2. upadownpipe on

    Check every Outhouse, Roadhouse, Dog….

    Wait he’s there.

  3. HugoZHackenbush2 on

    I saw a midget once, shimmying down the wall of Wheatfield prison and trying to make his escape.
    To my shame, I rolled down the car window and shouted something derogatory at him, which in hindsight, was a little condescending..

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