Il Regno Unito è il primo in Europa a investire nella prossima generazione di combustibile nucleare

di SojournerInThisVale


  1. Optimaldeath on

    It should be made illegal to sell this off to foreign investors.

  2. AstroZombie1 on

    We should have switched our power generation to nuclear over a decade ago but as ever there’s never any long term planning in this country.

  3. all_about_that_ace on

    The best time to invest in this was 30 years ago, the second best time is right now. We can’t change the past but I’m glad were doing something to fix this now.

  4. BoingBoingBooty on

    This is all well and good, but what we really need to do is make a reactor that can use up the plutonium mountain that was created by reprocessing at sellafield for decades.

    There’s a giant heap of the stuff and it’s just a useless burden because of the security cos it can be used for nuclear weapons. They need to make a reactor that can use the stuff up and be rid of it.

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