“Diciamo a tutti i nostri partner e interlocutori di essere molto cauti nei confronti dell’agenda cinese in Europa”


di thealejandrotauber


  1. MootRevolution on

    And also the Iranian ex-president visited just now. Something is being planned in Hungary.

  2. voltage-cottage on

    The same Washington whose ambassador Christopher Hill congratulated Vučić on election victory???

    No way!!! 😱

  3. Apprehensive_Emu9240 on

    Yeah, as if we needed anyone’s warning to know these guys are pricks.

  4. Burgerjon32 on

    Yeah, and then they are going to elect Trump who will tariff Europe again, and who sucks up more to Putin, Xi, Orban all the other tyrants more than anyone else.

    So anything Washington says should be taken with a mountain of salt, considering the US is something like a bipolar mental patient currently, and Europe has no interests what so ever of divering from China at this point.

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