La Russia colpisce lo stadio scolastico nel quartiere residenziale di Kharkiv, ferisce 7 persone, di cui 4 bambini (nelle foto)

di murphystruggles


  1. 2FalseSteps on

    JFC! What inbred idiot decided *that* was a legitimate military target???

    Oh, wait. RuZZia.

    Just terrorists doing what terrorists do.

  2. acatnamedrupert on

    Utter savages :I I hope this latest shipment of arms to Ukraine will help in pushing those scum out sooner.

  3. sonicboomer46 on


    >Right after the Russian attack, police reported that it injured a **55-year-old man and three boys of 14, 14, and 15 years. All were hospitalized.** An 81-year-old woman had an acute stress reaction and refused hospitalization.
    >**Two boys had severe injuries. One of them was diagnosed with head and lung trauma; he will also be undergoing foot amputation. Another boy had moderate injuries.**
    >The explosive blast from the attack shattered the school’s windows. Gwara Media’s journalist talked to the school’s director about the attack — she was in her office when it happened.
    >“I heard a loud explosion, very loud. We went to the [school’s] hall, and a child entered, said, ‘Call me an ambulance, my leg is injured.’ I called an ambulance, got outside, and saw another two [kids] in the stadium. Called again, and asked for two more ambulance cars.” Olena, the school’s director
    >**Updated information** from the police indicated that the number of casualties increased: another child, **an 8-year-old girl, was injured, as well as two women, aged 80 and 32. A girl was hospitalized with moderate injuries, and two women received aid on-site.**

    Fixed the title: Malignant tumor strikes school stadium…

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