Il Partito popolare europeo rifiuta di firmare la lettera di condanna della violenza politica dell’estrema destra

di Free_Swimming


  1. CalottoFantasy5 on

    How about condemnation of gang violence from all the ME males you imported.. . See Sweden,… such cowards.

  2. McFlyTheThird on


    But it was to be expected. The EPP and Von der Leyen need the votes of the far-right.

    It’s sickening. The EPP is disgusting, and harms the EU more than it does good. See Orban. The EPP protected him up until 2019.

  3. Rhoderick on

    To borrow a term, they literally refuse to even virtue signal any more.

    When certain ideologies or groups threaten the democratic society we’ve built together with violence, it is incumbent upon all of us to work together to put a stop to it, and those closest in ideals or ideology to such groups must be especially vigilant. The EPP refusing to do the literal bare minimum in this is telling about the right wings priorities between political games and the wellfare of the people.

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