Rischio di “collasso” nell’assistenza infermieristica poiché quasi due terzi degli infermieri irlandesi hanno preso in considerazione l’idea di smettere


di PoppedCork


  1. Wolfwalker71 on

    It needs an easier entry pathway for mature students wishing to move out of unskilled jobs. 

  2. dmullaney on

    No surprise there. Chronic under-staffing for years in most of the big hospitals, especially in the ICU/Emergency Depts puts a horrendous amount of pressure on nurses, who aren’t especially well paid, or well treated, for the work they do. The hospital administrators continue to treat it like it’s more of a vocation than a career, and for many their commitment to patient care is the primary reason they put up with it, but it’s predatory and ultimately very harmful, for patients and nurses. I’m honestly surprised the numbers aren’t higher.

  3. the_0tternaut on

    Salaries need doubling over two years, simple-as 🤷🏼‍♂️

  4. If only there was a way to increase the supply of workers in a supply and demand economy…

  5. Background_Pause_392 on

    Blame the unions. The whole pay structure for government jobs is a joke, raises for incompetence.

  6. Connect-Amphibian675 on

    Why would anyone want to be a nurse it’s the 21st century? It’s hard to sustain oneself as a nurse with a nursing salary here. It’s a dead end job too. You can’t really go into anything else with degree.

  7. Connect-Amphibian675 on

    Plus just the constant stresses of the job isn’t worth it for the mental health. Like you compromise everything for the dead end subservient nurse job.

  8. go_cartmozart on

    FFG’s solution, probably: hire more middle managers in the HSE and then talk about how they’re spending more on health than ever

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