L’impronta digitale del detenuto della prigione di Cork corrisponde a 27 nomi diversi in Inghilterra e Francia


di Ironstien


  1. ahhereyang1 on

    Poor chap needed to flee to here for refuge in fairness probably

  2. variety_weasel on

    If I know forensics like I think I do, this madlad has been fingering his way across Europe. Case closed.

  3. Well….goes to show how important cooperation between European states is….

  4. Bumblebee-Feeling on

    You’d have to wonder how interpol didn’t flag an identical fingerprint between two supposedly different people, never mind 27 aliases

  5. Theelfsmother on

    I’m starting to think the government’s policy of dumping these lads into tents and BnBs and funneling taxpayers money to their friends for the hassle isn’t really working out

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