Un equipaggio di carri armati ucraini afferma che l’Abrams fornito dagli Stati Uniti è ancora utilizzabile in prima linea, ma le battaglie tra carri armati in cui eccelle sono state poche e rare. Funzionari del Pentagono a fine aprile hanno dichiarato all’Associated Press che l’Ucraina stava ritirando i suoi carri armati Abrams dalle aree di combattimento più pesanti perché i droni russi li rendevano più difficili da difendere.


di JesusMcTurnip


  1. Sonofagun57 on

    The last great tank battle that the world might ever
    see again or at least for a very long time is the Siege of Chernihiv.

    Also they’re simply aren’t the same frequency of massive enemy armor columns as there was to start the war, and by the time other huge armored assaults on places such as Vuhledar and Avdiivka happened, there was a trove of data indicating there more ways than ever too efficiently destroy tanks.

    Plus its unofficial fighting partner in the M2 Bradley isn’t just an IFV it’s a pseudo tank destroyer too.

  2. Capital-Ad2469 on

    Not surprising when it seems like a $50 grenade can trash most Ruzzian tanks.
    Far better to keep the Abrams for the breakthrough to the Ruzzian border.

  3. AerieStrict7747 on

    Drones really are the future. Tanks will always have some purpose but will never have as strong as an importance as they have had in the past.

  4. Armodeen on

    I understand this is the same reason the challenger isn’t excelling. The Ukrainians call it a tank sniper, but it isn’t amazing at lobbing HE into fortifications, which is the majority of the work.

  5. TheMikeyMac13 on

    It is a great tank, but has to be used properly. I hope we can send Ukraine more of them.

  6. MNGopherfan on

    Russians literally don’t want to fight it because they know for a fact it will body their tanks every day if the week.

  7. GreenNukE on

    This doesn’t surprise me as much of the best Russian armor has already been destroyed. Abrams are primarily designed for engaging large armored formations that could overwhelm lesser AT weapons. It can handily dispatch obsolete T-72s and BMPs, but those are vulnerable to any number of widely available AT weapons and get taken out well before any thought is given to calling for Abrams. Keeping them in reserve to punish any Russian attempts to advance with concentrated armored forces is the obvious usage. This will also limit their losses so they can be used in a hypothetical future offensive alongside other top-tier MBTs when conditions permit it.

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