La “tendopoli” di Dublino: le tende spuntano a Ringsend e a East Wall poche ore dopo che i richiedenti asilo si sono trasferiti dal Canal Grande

di pint_baby


  1. pint_baby on

    The same East Wall that was protesting 2 years ago*. This is a seriously dangerous situation. My heart goes out to the legitimate asylum seekers who are suffering. But I do think that this could actually get violent. []( I think this is a dangerous place for the tents to go up, and I don’t think those men will know.

    *edited for correction of dates and message clarity.

  2. marquess_rostrevor on

    Not sure East Wall would be my first choice given what happened before. The game of whack a mole continues…

  3. MeshuganaSmurf on

    I’m genuinely curious what the people who decided to remove these tents thought was going to happen?

    Like where did they think the people in the tents were going to go? Did they think they’d just wander over to the airport and go home?

  4. I_Will_in_Me_Hole on

    East Wall? Bold choice cotton…

    They might have picked a bad spot there.
    Even if this lot get moved for their own safety, I really hope this doesn’t kick off something a lot bigger with some of the more hardcore fringe lunatics.

    Some of those nutcases aren’t above being violent against innocent people.

  5. DiscussionUnusual466 on

    The charities handing out the tents have a lot to answer for , they are being offered accommodation else where but refusing to go , legislation needs to be put in place that they cont be processed until they are in the accommodation 

  6. BrickEnvironmental37 on

    Government said themselves they are expecting between 13,000-16,000 to come here every year for the next few.

    That’s between 35-44 a day. So every single day they will have to accommodate around new 40 migrants. They’ll be given 40 new tents. Looking for 40 new spots to camp.

    Then tomorrow 40 new people will come along. Be given 40 tents. Looking for 40 new spots to camp.

  7. Margrave75 on

    Tents appearing in an area that held anti immigration protests.

    This should end well.

  8. Bosco_is_a_prick on

    Why can’t a campsite be created for them with toilets, showers and electricity.

  9. HappyMike91 on

    So, the government’s plan to deal with the far right is to incite them into attacking and potentially killing people?

  10. Shadowbringers on

    I hope the government will show the same commitment to removing tents in East Wall that they showed at Grand canal

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