L’unico carro armato russo presente alla parata del Giorno della Vittoria a Mosca era un singolo T-34.


di Sanizore05


  1. AlbionChap on

    Didn’t even roll out the Armata for its annual breakdown on red square.

  2. -Vikthor- on

    I wonder if it is one of the Czechoslovak built they got from Laos a few years ago.

  3. DavidHewlett on

    “Ve are going to ze parade, and ve are taking my little tenk!”

    * Leftenant Gruber

  4. clever_wolf77 on

    Is it that bad ? I’d think they would at least have a few modern ones for the parade. I guess it is that bad…. Or it’s a trick to make us think that it’s that bad *hmmmm*

  5. Fickle-Message-6143 on

    Putting aside everything. Do you really need more, it is tank that represents ww2, and is wordwide known for that?

  6. TopGlobal6695 on

    I really wish some spec ops guys could have gotten a single Switchblade 600 into Moscow for the parade.

  7. vossmanspal on

    Maybe they didn’t want to display all the very best equipment and a massing of troops in case of a missile attack, all of the good stuff and manpower are hidden behind the corner building, you have to pay to view of course.

  8. CaelosCZ on

    Celebrating the end of the war with a military parade is like celebrating the end of diarrhea with a jar of expired mayonnaise.

  9. 88rosomak on

    What is more this T-34 was produced after WW2 – it is clearly visible that it’s frontal hull armor consists of 2 welded plates (without thin connector between them which was typical for all WW2 production series).

  10. kuddlesworth9419 on

    They had some T-90M at Rostov-on-Don closer to Ukraine where they are being used.

  11. Fine_Yogurtcloset362 on

    Pathetic. Ive been to the parade twice and its usually a very nice display of tanks, missiles, military vehicles and so on. This is just sad.

  12. CommieBorks on

    They didn’t even dare to show T14’s? I’m guessing they didn’t want it breaking down during parade again.

  13. mitraheads on

    Last year it was same. Never underestimate. Still our army fights hundreds of Russian tanks in Ukraine.

  14. Shatpost1ng on

    My advice to any indivudual, government and organisation: Don’t pay any attention to whatever russians say, do or promise to do. They are lying.

  15. I am pretty sure I saw the exact same picture last year and same info about the parade.

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