Il divieto per gli autori di reati sessuali di cambiare nome diventerà legge

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  1. The_Unstoppable_Egg on

    “Who, me?? No I’m afraid you’re mistaken, I’m Simmy Javile”

  2. Marlboro_tr909 on

    Better, surely, to enforce them all to change their names, to, [Christian name] Wrong’Un

  3. CaseyEffingRyback on


    What if a sex offender changes gender?

  4. _triperman_ on

    > this issue had been “dumped in the ‘too difficult’ drawer.”

    Otherwise known as “Dealing directly or indirectly with transgender issues”
    Just restrict all comments and hope it goes away.

  5. strongfavourite on

    the “clean DBS” angle is hogwash. when applying for a DBS you must provide all previous names & your NI number, which will link back to your name at the time it was first issued

    where this law is important, though, is that name changes allow people to escape media articles about their offending

    leading with that angle maybe isn’t as popular because it brings up the issue of those who committed an offence many years ago – which may now be “spent” under the ROA – but can’t truly move on due to the indelible nature of news/media reports

  6. Ok-Fox1262 on

    Does that mean they can’t use ‘pastor’ or ‘father’ any more? That’s a good thing.

  7. ferrel_hadley on

    >**A ban on sex offenders in England and Wales changing their name to avoid detection will be brought in, the government has confirmed.**

    >Last year the BBC [revealed more than 700 sex offenders]( had slipped off the radar of police over three years, many due to an identity change.

    I doubt anyone really disagrees with this. The police are stretched and our country has much bigger issues to deal with. Its a small step but if it makes one less victim then its enough.

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