In Ucraina è stato presentato un disegno di legge che renderebbe più facile per i bielorussi che lottano per l’Ucraina ottenere la cittadinanza, cosa con cui hanno avuto difficoltà. “Ogni bielorusso che voglia difendere l’Ucraina ed essere suo cittadino dovrebbe ricevere una procedura semplificata per ottenere la cittadinanza”.

di MicrowaveBurns


  1. dread_deimos on

    That’s good! There are a lot of people not only from Belarus, but from all corners of the world that deserve the citizenship because they fight for Ukraine (or their own nation on Ukraine’s side). Including Russia.

  2. Sonofagun57 on

    This is good governance.

    Belarus as a collective may still be the enemy, but unlike their vassal master state, it is absolutely worth differentiating the Belarusian people from their govt. I’m not saying every single Belarusian is a good person, but plenty of their citizens are pissed and some have even given their lives for a most honorable cause.

  3. Sethpricer on

    Hopefully this will encourage a similar streamlining for legion soldiers

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