L’attivista antirusso e youtuber Ucha Abashidze è stato arrestato dalla polizia georgiana. Gli è stato negato il diritto di vedere un avvocato, senza mandato e senza avvertimento, circa 100 agenti di polizia hanno fatto irruzione nella sua casa e lo hanno arrestato. l’accusa è di “detenzione illegale di armi da fuoco”


di guramika


  1. guramika on

    as his friends and supporters gathered around his house, the police have also arrested a journalist, one opposition party representative and snatched up a few random citizes from the streets

  2. StrongFaithlessness5 on

    So they have started arresting oppositors to prevent new protests…

  3. guramika on

    the ministry released a picture of confiscated firearms. all but 2 were non lethal weapons (paintball and such) which require no licence to have and the 2 actual weapons were fully licenced and properly stored. he was always open about these things in his blogs

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