Perdite dell’esercito russo fino al 10.5.2024



  1. YungSkeltal on

    Is su25 loss already counted? Should see it pop up tomorrow.

  2. Affectionate-Ad-5479 on

    Today has a ridiculous amount of hardware. Jeez Russia give up and go home.

  3. MikeinON22 on

    Remember when 600 casualties in a day was a lot? Now if its not over 900, I’m like “3CY was slackin’ today”.

  4. Refineries need to be included. Kinda hard to keep track of the hits.

  5. One_Cream_6888 on

    It’s a good sign artillery numbers are back up. It indicates the shell hunger is ending.

    And yes, I know it would be much better if Russia had no artillery left to lose but that’s not going to happen for years. Instead what will happen – and is happening – is a slow and steady degradation of capability. Modern SPG’s replaced by towed museum pieces.

    This is still a slow hard bloody marathon and not a sprint.

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