Il Regno Unito non è più in recessione, mostrano i dati ufficiali

di sjw_7


  1. >Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 0.6% between January and March, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.

  2. ICantPauseIt90 on

    I don’t buy it.

    Work as a delivery driver in the evenings and i’ve noticed since about February it’s gone DEAD.

    A bunch of takeaways have closed for good. Add to that the fact a bunch of shops have also now closed for good, and a few pubs/bars in the town centre also closed for good during this period, yet the economy grew!? Sure as fuck doesn’t look or feel like it!

  3. magneticpyramid on

    The figures are what they are. It’s great that things have improved. Not by much, but at least it hasn’t got worse.

  4. You_see_them_ayys on

    Excellent news, maybe instead of eating turnips now I can eat meat instead.

  5. Oh thank god !!! That means everything is okay now right ????? Fucking jokers, I can’t believe a word they say.

  6. With good news like this the tories should call an election before it dips back again.

  7. Mundane_Pin6095 on

    Dont believe MSM. There always pulling the wool over peoples eyes.

  8. Great! I don’t give a shit whether it’s true or not if it means we get an election and can kick these fuckers to the curb.

  9. popcornelephant on

    More than forecast, growth double the rate in the eurozone and even more than the US in Q1.

    Someone will tell me that this is bad news though I’m sure.

  10. infintetimesthecharm on

    Thank God for those official figures, I was really worried for a second but we’re saved!

  11. Square_Weather_8137 on

    seems more like a paid ad for the tory party for the coming election

  12. Frosty_Suit6825 on

    It only matters if people feel better off. I suspect it’s unlikely most people will feel better off, because the underlying causes haven’t really altered.

    I hope I’m wrong and we enter a new golden age, but based on previous events it doesn’t feel likely.

    If this is what Sunak is hoping for to get reelected it’s weak sauce. I suspect the only way he will be PM this time next year is if he scores the winning goal in the UEFA cup final.

  13. simondrawer on

    They have been very quiet about the fact we were even in recession

  14. Cynical_Classicist on

    Hooray! We’re slightly less funked! Yeh, things are still pretty shitty.

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