Alle 5 del mattino i russi hanno tentato di sfondare la linea di difesa ucraina nella regione di Kharkiv. Questi attacchi sono stati respinti, le battaglie di varia intensità continuano, afferma il Ministero della Difesa ucraino.

di MekhaDuk


  1. Bodhisattva_Picking on

    Слава Україні!

    Героям Слава і смерть ворогам!!

  2. shibiwan on

    Oh shit….here we go. Hang in there, heroes!

    Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

  3. CaptchaSolvingRobot on

    Man it must suck to be a Russian.

    Not only do you have to suicide charge a fortified enemy for your oligarchic overlords – you also have to get up ungodly early to do so..

  4. TonyHajduk88 on

    There no so called break through line, they only tried to move into direct on the border villages, there is no line there, main defence line are 10 km back from the border

  5. Hannibal_Game on

    [Russian forces in the area](

    Army Group “Bryansk” (~8.500 Soldiers)

    Army Group “Kursk” (~10.800 Soldiers)

    Army Group “Belgorod” (~31.200 Soldiers)

    The whole grouping (Name: “Sever”) has at it’s disposal: more than 50.000 Soldiers, 400 Tanks, 900 IFVs/APCs, 900 Artillery pieces and 120 MLRS Systems and is commanded by [Colonel-General Alexander Lapin](

    While this is quite a large force, Ukraine has the advantage of good defensive structures in the area.

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